
Things To Do After Getting Bitten By A Dog – Understand Your Rights 

Usually, dogs are friendly companions and gentle. however, in certain circumstances, they can become extra violent and attack you. While the nature of injuries is usually severe following a dog bite, the real question many have is – is there any compensation to expect? Does the dog owner’s or homeowner’s insurance cover the medical cost the bitten person has to pay following a dog bite? Also, in case someone was bitten at work, can they file for a worker’s compensation claim?

Well, there are many such questions, and finding answers to them will allow you to know your rights. So, let’s understand what you can do after being bitten by a dog…

5 things to do after getting bitten by a dog

While dog bites don’t cause severe pain or trauma of any sort, it is always a good idea to take some necessary measures. Be proactive about the whole situation. Be strong and protect your health, and overall well-being, and claim compensation for your damages after consulting the best personal injury law firms. Here are the top 5 things you need to do after getting bitten:

  1. Izmediately seek medical assistance: Without any delays, visit the nearest hospital or clinic. Even if the bite is not severe, there are chances of catching some infection. So, see a doctor to eliminate all possibilities of getting infected. If you are bitten severely and are in a lot of pain, call 911 immediately. 
  2. Notify the responsible party: Once you have addressed all your medical needs, the next step is to contact the dog owner or the owner of the property or landlord. You need to notify the next party to establish liability. The dog owner must take full responsibility for what happened, and thereby compensate you. However, if he/she is uncooperative, speak to a dog bite injury lawyer immediately.
  3. Gather evidence: Click pictures of the location where you were attacked, pictures of the dog (if possible), and your injury. Try to collect contact info of people who were present while you were getting attacked. Their testimony is what can make or break your case. Note down the details like date, time, circumstances, etc. 
  4. Be strong when it comes to dealing with the insurance company: Insurance companies are never going to support you or take your side. Instead, they will try to downplay you and prove that the scene was not as severe as you are describing. Also, they will eventually offer you a settlement that will be much less than what you must get. 
  5. Consult a lawyer: If the next party is not cooperative, which they usually won’t be, it is time to consult top personal injury law firms like Wettermark Keith. They have handled many such cases and thus can provide you with the guidance you need. Besides, a proper professional presentation can help you get a better settlement. Also, if the process is completely new for you, their skilled and experienced lawyers will help you complete the legalities. 

Remember, the ultimate goal is to receive the compensation that you deserve. So, now that you know what to do after getting bitten, start working on your case right away.