
Is Someone Throwing Shade On You? 3 Ways To Deal With Defamation

Like a divorce lawyer in Singapore, there are other lawyers that handle different fields, degrees, and specialisations. One of the most common cases in the country is defamation, which is a crime in the country. According to the Penal Code, section 499, defamation is a criminal offence. So, can you press charges against someone making false accusations about you? Yes.

Being the target of malicious comments and gossip is upsetting. Your reputation is at risk. To protect you from such disrespect, here are some elements defamation lawyers in Singapore will discuss with you.

  1. The statement in question is defamatory.

If the statement in question accuses you of something that harms your reputation, causing you to be exposed to contempt, call your family lawyer in Singapore. The post alone is intended to be defamatory.

What if the statement is made out of humour?

Nowadays, most statements on social media sound youthful and filled with slang. If the post is NOT intended to jeopardise the person, the High Court will likely find the defendant NOT GUILTY of defamation. However, if meant as an insult, you may discuss this with defamation lawyers in Singapore.

  1. The statement in question refers to the victim.

If the statement pertains to you, you may file defamation charges. Whether a blog post, a video, or a photograph of you, it could serve as substantial evidence at the High Court. Take screenshots of these, contact the top criminal lawyer in Singapore, and discuss the options for a defamation lawsuit.

  1. The statement in question is either published or communicated to a third party.

Lastly, if the statement is posted online or communicated to a third party, it is already considered defamation. The more people saw the post, the greater the damage. Contact your defamation lawyers in Singapore and discuss this.

While separation has divorce mediation in Singapore, defamation also offers remedies. If you are the defendant, you can settle this via monetary damages.

If you need the best defamation or divorce lawyer in Singapore, let Quahe Woo & Palmer be your legal partner. Visit their site to learn more!